April 2025: Louise Zak

Title: Places We Know

Opening: April 4, 2025 from 4 – 6 pm

Artist Statement:

I began painting classes at the River Gallery School after I retired. During the pandemic, isolation forced me to find new ways to continue my artistic journey. I joined five other women artists to develop an online studio that met — and continues to meet — twice a week. This supportive group has helped me immeasurably, and I am deeply grateful to them all.

Finding the unusual in the familiar has become my painting interest. A series of ice puddles from Vermont dirt roads made dreamy landscapes. The idea for the “Surprising Brattleboro” series came from my mis-reading a painting of the Moulin Rouge in Paris. I thought it was Malfunction Junction with a windmill stuck in the middle of the street! I like to run with “mistakes,” and I discovered many places in Brattleboro that could accommodate world-famous landmarks. 

Painting, especially with a group of colleagues, has enhanced my ability to appreciate mistakes and surprises that arise. Unusual details have more artistic potential than I saw at first. Those surprise elements inform how I approach the next painting, and sometimes a series of related works is born.