River Gallery School of Art strives to make our classes and workshops available to everyone who wants to make art. We also strive to create a fun, engaging environment that is welcoming to all participants. We support our teaching artists with a livable wage while keeping our tuition and fees as reasonable as possible.
We are so glad to have you join us! As a participant in River Gallery School offerings, please note the following policies:
Reducing the Risk of Illness
We are no longer requiring masking indoors. If you would like to be masked, you are welcome to do so. RGS has HEPA filters in each studio.
Please stay home if you are experiencing COVID symptoms or had a positive COVID test within the last 5 days. We will work with you to find a make up time or another class option if you can’t attend because of illness. Please notify us if you develop COVID symptoms or test positive within 5 days of attending class.
Payment and Tuition Assistance
Cancellation & Withdrawal
Withdrawal policy:
Our faculty and staff put a lot of time and effort into planning and preparing our offerings, so we ask you to please notify us if you are unable to attend a class or workshop for which you have registered.
Vacation Schedule + Snow Days
General policies
Please note that these policies may be updated from time to time.