Past Exhibits

Orly enjoyed art as a child, drawing and painting through high school, but didn’t do much other than doodling after that. Ten years ago, she forced her two children to share a bedroom in order to free up room to paint. She began painting more

Recent travels in Asia, Europe, and New Zealand have enhanced her personal vision, leading her to dig deeper into the indigenous spiritual ambiance of the East in her artwork. Synthesizing these Eastern concepts with the Western visual language of her upbringing is her intention.

Lydia Thomson is an artist and teacher. She lives in Southern Vermont and uses the fields and hills surrounding her home on Deer Ridge Farm in Townshend as her primary subject.

David Graham is a farmer, educator, and artist in Orange, Massachusetts. His art is inspired by the scenes of animals, children, and nature at The Farm School where he has worked for 10 years.

Greg Moschetti feels that painting is a spiritual process and that the role of the artist is to elicit the same sense of spirit in the viewer as was felt by the artist in creating a work.

Cindy Glover's show, “Memories of Macau,” is a visual journal of her experience –- a personal record of an unforgettable place and time.

Local artist Cyndi Ferrante's work is energized by the natural world, taking inspiration from the environment and life within. This leaves ample space for imagination.

Gordon Meinhard’s work in this series modulates between painting and drawing. Even in paint, his art retains the immediacy and freshness of a drawing. The background and the central figure in each piece (a roughly square table) are richly articulated in paint; the top layer